30 Days Wild – Day 24 – Water of Leith

For Day 24 I went looking for Dippers along the Water of Leith outside Edinburgh. Once again, I found something other than what I was looking for…I’ve seen Dippers on the Water of Leith nearly every time I’ve been there, so I figured I had a good chance of maybe finding a whole family this time. That didn’t work out. But squeaking in the trees told me baby somethings were nearby. So it proved…

Of course, the problem with a lot of these baby birds is they look very similar. This is especially the case in dark conditions, when it is very windy, and with the distraction of far too many inconsiderate dog-walkers.

There were a couple of them, but what I really needed was an adult to arrive to feed them. This did eventually happen, which revealed they were in fact baby…

Spotted Flycatchers!

Not something I’d ever seen in fledgling form, so a treat for 30 Days Wild.

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